Kyle Faget · Thursday, June 29th,2017

Tracy has been experiencing pain in her chest since at least October 2016. She went to see a number of PCPs, and each one told her to work less, eat better, sleep more, and exercise. Tracy was feeling worse than ever and was getting increasingly tired. She made an appointment at a newer practice, One Medical. The NP decided to have a blood panel done. Tracy's hemoglobin level was dangerously low. She was told to go to the closest ER immediately. At the BI, Tracy was given a few transfusions, and a chest x-ray was performed. The x-ray revealed a mass in Tracy's left lung. Tracy was instructed to have a CT scan of the lung performed, but the size and nature of the mass was not and could not be fully appreciated by the radiologist. The scan indicated that Tracy has a 1.9 x 2.4 c.m. malignant tumor in her left lung. The cancer has spread to Tracy's spine (T8, T9, & T10 are implicated), sternum. left shoulder. and left elbow. We don't know about the rest of her body yet. Today a contrast scan was done to asses whether the cancer has spread to other parts of her body. An MRI will be done to assess any migration into the brain. We are hoping to have an official diagnosis soon.


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