Health Update · Kyle Faget

I wanted to report that Tracy had a brain MRI recently, and it came back clean. Tracy has been experiencing some unpleasant side effects from her meds, so a brain MRI was done to rule out the possibility that the cancer had migrated to her brain. It had not. If you’ve never had a brain MRI before, lucky you. They are awful. Tracy had her MRI done in an open MRI, which isn’t really so open (but far better than the alternative). There’s a little mirror positioned so that the person being imaged can see out of the tube. To enable us to see each other throughout the MRI, I leaned over so my head was basically on Tracy’s lap. It’s too loud during the MRI to hear anyone, but our eyes could speak to each other. Anyway, Tracy was a total champ despite being put in a tube with a mask over her face for well over an hour all the while being terrified that the cancer may have progressed. The great news is that the MRI results are additional evidence that the targeted therapy Tracy is on is working.


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