Dr. Frankenstein, and other words of love for R.
"Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful." Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus This isn't my dear friend from my metastatic cancer support group; it is a stock photo of someone about to undergo cyberknife treatment, or maybe it's just a model (which is to say, in this case, a healthy-looking woman, with the suggestion of conventional attractiveness under that mask (certainly make-up) who seems to have all her hair), pretending to be such a person. Lung, breast, and skin cancer are the most common sources of metastases to the brain. Chemotherapy usually doesn't, never?--learning as I go here--reach brain metastases because of the blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from toxins (like, ha! chemotherapy drugs). Cyberknife, a focused, highly-targeted radiosurgery and fractionated radiotherapy (I don't know, I'm not a doctor) is an improvement in how modern medicine delivers radiation to the brain. Although that woman ab...